First trip alone

4 november 2015 - Mérida, Mexico

Hello everyone,

I think I should switch to English so my lovely Mexican friends can read it too :D

Yesterday, I went to the centre of the city on my own. For most people this is nothing, but for me it was a big deal, because the public transport here is completely weird from back home. Home (the Netherlands) is very organized compared to here. Every bus has a clear route and there are busstops on the route where you can get on or off the bus. Here the busses have a clear route. That's it. There are busstops here, but the busses stop everywhere. You just have to wave your hand and if you're lucky they might stop. That is not a problem. The fact that the busses stop everywhere might even sound like a benefit. IF and only if you know exactly where you are going....
The fact is... I have no idea where I'm going, I only know where I have to be eventually. But as is known, busses don't often stop where you have to be. Most of the time you still have to walk a distance to where ever you need to be.

Before I continue, let me make something clear first. The city here consists of blocks and streets with number in a seemingly random way. I'm sure there is an explanation to the randomness, but I haven't been able to find it in the past two weeks.

So whilst being on the bus you have no idea where you are and where you are going or even when to get off... But at the same time, you are trying to stay alive. Cause the bus drivers are completely crazy... Yesterday,on my first triip alone I was unfortunate to encounter a busdriver gone mad. He was flying through the corners and the streets of Mérida, honking and cursing at everyone who got in his way. The streets aren't even and have a lot of speedbumps, but he did not care.... AT ALL.

So while I was trying to keep track of where I was and where I had to go off I was also flying through the bus... It was aweful... But I survived! :D