Visit to the Cenotes

7 november 2015 - Homún, Mexico

One of the most popular attractions in the surroundings of Mérida, next to the famous Chitzen Itza, are the cenotes. Before I can tell you what we exactly did it would be wise to describe to you what Cenotes are. Cause I can imagen that if you've never seen one, you are bound to not know what they are. The easiest way to describe a cenotes: it is a cave. When you arrive at a less touristic cenote, it just looks like hole in the ground with a stairs. It is not until you look over the edge you see what you've gotten yourself in for: a deep whole, with fragile For normal people: great! Caves! New experience! Awesome!

However, for those of you who know me it is obvious. But for those of you who don't: I'm not a normal person. I have a serious fear for heigts and I do not well in caves. So the fact that I had to go down a 10 meter high, shaky stairs into a cave didn't go so well with me when we actually arrived. BUT a cenote is not just a cave. If you have googled it by now, you'll know. Otherwise, I'll explain it for you. After yougo down the stairs there is a cave, but the cave is full of pure water. The water is so clean you can see the bottom, if there is any of the cenote. So since I do love swimming (and there is no swimmingpool anywhere) I really wanted to go down.

 When he came up and catched his breath, he started cursing. Every singel curseword that I learned the night before came flying by and more. He was fine though...
After that we went to one more cenote and then we went to grab dinner, which was good. But I felt the need to share this awesome day and moments with you <3
